The 1st International Workshop of
AI Werewolf and Dialog System (AIWolfDial2019)
Collocated with INLG 2019 conference
October 29, 2019, Tokyo, Japan
Please visit AIWolfDial 2020 website for the AIWolf 2020 contest. This page describes the past AIWolfDial 2019 shared task held in Nov 2019.
Workshop aims
“Are You a Werewolf?”, or “Mafia” (hereafter “werewolf game”), is a communication game conducted solely through discussion. Players must exert their cognitive faculties fully in order to win. In the game, players must hide information, in contrast to perfect information games such as chess or Reversi. Each player acquires secret information from other players’ conversations and behavior and acts by hiding information to accomplish their objectives. Players are required persuasion for earning confidence, and speculation for detecting fabrications.
We employ this werewolf game as a novel way of evaluations for dialog systems. While studies of dialog systems are very hot topics recently, they are still insufficient to make natural conversations with consistent context, or with complex sentences. One of the fundamental issues is a lack of an appropriate evaluation.
Because the werewolf game forces players to deceive, persuade, and detect lies, neither inconsistent nor vague response are evaluated as “unnatural”, losing in the game. Our werewolf game competition and evaluation could be a new interesting evaluation criteria for dialog systems, but also for imperfect information game theories. In addition, the werewolf game allows any conversation, so the game includes both task-oriented and non-task-oriented conversations. This aspect would provide a handy intermediate goal rather than to create a general dialog system from scratch.
Workshop details
We will hold a shared task to automatically play the werewolf game. The paper submissions are not limited to the shared task papers. Please refer to the shared task and the submission pages in this site.